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9708 m23 qp 12
<center><big>[[CAIE AS and A Level past papers|'''【点此返回历年真题目录】''']]</big></center> <br/> <big>'''单题搜索方法''':右上角搜索中输入'''该题中的部分文字''',点击搜索后进入相关页面,然后使用ctrl+F5(或其他按键组合调出搜索框),再次搜索该题干文字,直接定位到题目。</big> <br/> ==整卷下载== *{{color|red|'''试卷'''}}请点击此处 ⇒ [https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/Images/596269-2023-specimen-paper-1.pdf 【9708_m23_qp_12】] *{{color|red|'''答案'''}}请点击此处 ⇒ [https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/Images/596260-2023-specimen-paper-1-mark-scheme.pdf 【9708_m23_ms_12】] ==试卷难易度分析== <div class="No_Select"> <br/> <big>'''关于难度分类的说明:'''</big><br/> {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}}:概念类、识别类、公式计算类<br/> {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}}:原因分析类、影响分析类、图像分析类、计算分析类<br/> {{Background color|red|{{color|white|''' 困难 '''}}}}:全新概念类、全新场景类、全新图像类、推导复杂类、观点评价类、对比评价类、政策评价类<br/> <br/> {| class="wikitable" |+ 试卷难易度分析 |-style="text-align:center" ! 考察章节 !! 容易 !! 中等 !! 困难 !! 总计 |-style="text-align:center" | Chapter 1 || 5 || 0 || 0 || '''5''' |-style="text-align:center" | Chapter 2 || 5 || 2 || 0 || '''7''' |-style="text-align:center" | Chapter 3 || 0 || 2 || 0 || '''2''' |-style="text-align:center" | Chapter 4 || 1 || 7 || 0 || '''8''' |-style="text-align:center" | Chapter 5 || 0 || 2 || 0 || '''2''' |-style="text-align:center" | Chapter 6 || 1 || 5 || 0 || '''6''' |-style="text-align:center" | '''总计''' || '''12''' || '''18''' || '''0''' || '''30''' |} </div> ==题目解答== ===1=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_1.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' B'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || private good含义与特征 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 由市场提供的商品最有可能是private good私有商品,因此需要满足excludable和rival两个特征,B选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>1 A good is most suitable to be provided by the market if it is A excludable and non-rival. B excludable and rival. C non-excludable and non-rival. D non-excludable and rival. </small> |} <br/> ===2=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_2.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' B'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || long run含义 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● long run长期指的是所有生产要素都可以变化,但技术等极长期影响因素保持不变的时期,B选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>2 What is the definition of long run? A the time period when all factors of production are specialised B the time period when all factors of production are variable C the time period when all key inputs into production are variable D the time period when at least one factor of production is fixed </small> |} <br/> ===3=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_3.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' D'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || positive和normative statement的概念和区分 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 两个陈述都是普通叙述,用于陈述客观事实,能够通过相关数据进行验证,因此都是positive statement,D选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>3 The table states the consequences of two macroeconomic policies. What correctly identifies whether the statements are normative or positive? a depreciation of an exchange rate will cause the balance of payments to improve a rise in the minimum wage rate will cause unemployment to rise A normative normative B normative positive C positive normative D positive positive </small> |} <br/> ===4=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_4.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' D'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || PPC与opportunity cost的关系 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,PPC讲的是两种商品的产量组合问题,不是价格与需求量的关系,A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,由于没有任何数据与特殊说明,无法判断目前的生产效率,B选项错误。<br/>● 由于PPC是直线,因此机会成本是不变的,因此D选项正确,C选项错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>4 The diagram shows the production possibility curve for wheat and corn. What can be deduced from the diagram? A As the price of corn falls, more of it is demanded. B Resources used in producing corn are more efficient than in producing wheat. C The opportunity cost of producing corn falls when moving from M to N. D The opportunity cost of producing corn is constant when moving from M to N. </small> |} <br/> ===5=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_5.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || 价格与供给量的关系 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 观察选项,可以得知在最初的阶段,价格P1为1,带入函数中可得Q1=15。根据题干说明,第二阶段供给量变为之前数量的二倍,即Q2=30。带入函数中可得P2=4。因此C选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>5 A supply curve is represented by the equation quantity supplied = 10 + 5P where P = the price of the product. Which price rise would cause the quantity supplied to double? A $1 to $2 B $1 to $3 C $1 to $4 D $1 to $5 </small> |} <br/> ===6=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_6.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || PES的类型与图像 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● PES为单位弹性(PES=1)时,图像为过原点的一条直线(正比例函数),C选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>6 Which diagram illustrates unitary elasticity of supply? </small> |} <br/> ===7=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_7.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' D'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || price mechanism的表现 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A、B、C三个选项,都是普通的市场情况,没有特殊说明的情况下,price mechanism价格机制能够起到分配资源的作用,因此三个选项都可以排除。<br/>● D选项,由政府提供的public good公共产品根本没有价格,因此价格机制无法发挥作用,符合题目要求,D选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>7 In which case is the price system not a possible method of allocating resources? A in the distribution of foodstuff among the population B in the hiring of workers by employers C in the ownership of land for agricultural use D in the provision of public goods by the government </small> |} <br/> ===8=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_8.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || PED的计算与类型判断 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 根据题目描述,cheap seats在价格上升10%时,需求量下降5%,PED=-5%/10%=-0.5,为inelastic;more expensive seats在价格上升10%时,需求量下降12%,PED=-12%/10%=-1.2,为elastic。因此C选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>8 A sports stadium has two prices of seats. The cheaper seats are $10 and the more expensive seats are $20. When the prices of all seats are increased by 10%, the effects on demand are a fall of 5% for the cheaper seats and a fall of 12% for the more expensive seats. What describes the responsiveness of demand to the change in price? A elastic elastic B elastic inelastic C inelastic elastic D inelastic unitary elasticity </small> |} <br/> ===9=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_9.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' B'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || Demand线含义 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● Demand线表示的是价格与需求量的反相关关系,价格上升时,需求量下降,反之亦然。因此B选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>9 Which statement correctly describes the shape of the demand curve for a normal good? A It shows an inverse relationship between income and quantity demanded. B It shows an inverse relationship between the price of the good and quantity demanded. C It shows a positive relationship between the price of the good and quantity demanded. D It shows a positive relationship between income and quantity demanded. </small> |} <br/> ===10=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_10.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || basic economic problem含义 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● basic economic problem基本经济问题指的是有限资源与人们无限愿望之间的矛盾,无论对于穷人还是富人,都会面临这一问题。因此C选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>10 Why does the basic economic problem of scarcity apply to both the rich and the poor? A The choices people make are not dependent on income inequalities. B Consumers pay the same prices for goods and services to satisfy their wants. C Human wants exceed what can be produced from available resources. D Natural resources are unevenly distributed amongst nations. </small> |} <br/> ===11=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_11.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' B'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || joint supply含义;影响D线和S线的因素 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 根据题干描述,人们由于健康担忧而减少了对butter的消费,因此butter的demand curve左移(shift),这也可以认为是supply curve出现了movement型的移动,排除C、D选项。<br/>● 由于butter的供应量下降,作为joint supply的产品,buttermilk的supply也会随之下降,因为是外部因素导致的supply下降,因此是supply curve的左移(shift),因此B选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>11 Butter and buttermilk are goods in joint supply. Supply curves in both markets slope upwards to the right. Health concerns cause people to reduce their consumption of butter. What are the initial consequences of this for supply in the markets for butter and buttermilk? A move left along supply curve move left along supply curve B move left along supply curve shift left of the supply curve C shift left of the supply curve move left along supply curve D shift left of the supply curve shift left of the supply curve </small> |} <br/> ===12=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_12.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' A'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || consumer surplus含义 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 根据题干描述,生产者收到的价格即为市场价格,其与消费者愿意并能够支付的价格之间的差,便是consumer surplus的概念,因此在图上选出consumer surplus的位置,A选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>12 The diagram shows the demand and supply of a good. When the market is in equilibrium, which area measures the difference between what consumers are willing and able to pay and what producers receive at that output? A x B y C x + y D x – y </small> |} <br/> ===13=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_13.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || 对merit good使用的经济政策 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,消费者担心汽车会出车祸,这只是消费者自身问题,还不构成需要政府补贴来鼓励自行车的理由,A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,消费者支付不起自行车,这也只是消费者自身问题,没有明确说明政府鼓励使用自行车的理由,B选项错误。<br/>● 消费者没有了解骑自行车的额外好处,这对应了merit good的含义,说明骑自行车有额外好处,因此政府愿意补贴鼓励人们多骑自行车,C选项正确。<br/>● D选项,人们忽略了骑自行车的额外坏处,这对应了demerit good的含义,政府为纠正该问题,应该采取税收的手段而非补贴,与题干不符,D选项错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>13 Why do some local governments subsidise the provision of bicycles to encourage their use? A Consumers are afraid of having car accidents. B Consumers are unable to afford bicycles. C Consumers are not aware of the external benefits of using bicycles. D Consumers ignore the external costs of using bicycles. </small> |} <br/> ===14=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_14.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' B'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || Gini coefficient的理解 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,Gini系数表示了income和wealth的平等性情况,都是index指数型,是可以相互比较的,因此A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,Gini系数越大,收入或财富越不平等,因此在收入方面,P国比Q国更加不平等,B选项正确。<br/>● C选项,理由同B选项,在财富方面,Q国比P国更加不平等,C选项错误。<br/>● D选项,对于P国来说,income更加不平等,对于Q国来说,wealth更加不平等,因此D选项错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>14 The table shows Gini coefficients for both income and wealth in two countries. Which statement is correct? A Gini coefficients are not comparable between income and wealth because one is a flow concept and the other is a stock concept. B Income inequality is greater in country P than in country Q. C Wealth inequality is greater in country P than in country Q. D Wealth inequality is greater than income inequality in both countries. </small> |} <br/> ===15=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_15.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' A'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || 纠正通胀的政策及其影响 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,通过立法促进竞争,这使得企业们不得不削减成本、降低价格、提升效率,以在竞争中存活,因此通胀会下降(价格降低),而且经济也很可能增长(效率提升),符合题目要求的降低通胀又避免产出下降的要求,因此A选项正确。<br/>● B选项,增加税收,这会导致人们收入下降,消费减少,AD下降,虽然通胀降低,但经济也会出现下降,不符合题意,B选项错误。<br/>● C选项,budget surplus增加,即政府支出下降或税收上升,理由与B选项类似,AD会下降,不符合题意,C选项错误。<br/>● D选项,汇率上升,出口价格升高,进口价格下降,这会导致出口减少而进口增加,因此AD下降,也不符合题意,D选项错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>15 A government is faced with rising inflation. It wishes to reduce inflationary pressure while avoiding a fall in output. Which action is most likely to meet its needs? A an increase in laws to promote competition B an increase in taxation C an increase in the budget surplus D an increase in the exchange rate </small> |} <br/> ===16=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_16.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' A'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || NNI的计算 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 根据公式,NNI = GNI - depreciation(折旧),折旧即表格中的capital consumption,而GNI = GDP + net property income from abroad,因此NNI = 28-3-6=19,A选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>16 The table shows selected information from a country’s national accounts. What is the country’s net national income? A $19 billion B $25 billion C $31 billion D $33 billion </small> |} <br/> ===17=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_17.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' A'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || exchange rate的表示形式 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 本体需要注意汇率数字的单位。<br/>● 左图表示的是,2001-2003年间,1英镑能兑换更多美元,因此说明英镑针对美元升值。<br/>● 右图表示的是,2001-2003年间,1欧元能兑换更多英镑,因此说明英镑针对欧元贬值。因此A选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>17 The graphs show the changes in the exchange rates of the pound sterling (£) against the US dollar (US$) and the euro (€) between the years 2001 and 2003. What happened to the value of the £ between the years 2001 and 2003? A The £ appreciated against the US$ and depreciated against the €. B The £ appreciated against the US$ and the €. C The £ depreciated against the US$ and appreciated against the €. D The £ depreciated against the US$ and the €. </small> |} <br/> ===18=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_18.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || 对circular flow of income、injection和leakage的理解 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,exports是injection,imports是leakage,都是circular flow of income模型中重要的组成部分,对national income有影响,因此A选项错误。<br/>● 各个injection和leakage的变化情况是独立的,不会因为一方的增减而必须增减另一方,只会使得national income出现上升或下降。因此B、D两个选项错误。<br/>● C选项,消费者使用saving储蓄来进行消费时,原本已经流出收入循环圈内的货币重新进入收入循环圈,圈内的货币量增加,因此national income上升,因此C选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>18 Which statement about the circular flow of income is correct? A Exports and imports do not affect the equilibrium level of national income because they always cancel each other out. B The greater the level of saving, the greater the level of injections in the form of investment must be. C When consumers use past savings to increase their spending, there will be a rise in national income. D When a government increases withdrawals by increasing the rate of income tax, there must be an equivalent increase in injections to compensate. </small> |} <br/> ===19=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_19.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' A'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || inflation rate的变化与价格水平变化的关系 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 根据图像,inflation rate在第1-4年间为正,说明价格水平一直处于上升阶段,在第5年为负,说明价格水平下降。没有通胀率为0的年份,说明价格水平没有保持不变的情况。综上所述,A选项正确,仅有一年价格水平下降,其他选项均错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>19 The graph shows a country’s average annual inflation rate over a five-year period. What can be concluded about the general price level during the five years? A It fell in only one year. B It fell in only two years. C It rose in only two years. D It was constant in only one year. </small> |} <br/> ===20=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_20.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' D'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || inflation的类型;money value与real data之间的换算 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 根据题意,工资水平上升,意味着成本增加,这会导致cost-push inflation,第一列填yes;根据计算公式, real rate = nominal rate - inflation rate,因为名义工资上涨速度高于通胀,因此实际工资涨幅为正,实际工资是上升的,第二列填yes。综上所述,D选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>20 In an economy, wages and prices are both rising but wages are rising faster. Which features are likely to exist in this economy? A no no B no yes C yes no D yes yes </small> |} <br/> ===21=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_21.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || AD和AS的影响因素 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 根据题意,很多外国工人离开了该国,劳动力的流失使得LRAS左移;本国货币升值,说明出口价格上升,进口价格下降,这导致出口减少,进口增加,AD下降。因此均衡点从X变为C点,C选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>21 The diagram shows the aggregate demand (AD) and long-run aggregate supply (LRAS) curves for a country. X is the original equilibrium position. In one year, over one million foreign workers left the country and at the same time the country’s currency appreciated against the currencies of its major trading partners. What will be the most likely new equilibrium position for this country? </small> |} <br/> ===22=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_22.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || exchange rate变化的原因 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,direct tax直接税下降,收入上升,人们购买更多的进口品,因此外汇市场上的money supply增加,汇率下降,与题意不符,A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,出口订单下降,导致外汇市场上的money demand减少,汇率下降,与题意不符,B选项错误。<br/>● C选项,利率上升,会吸引很多hot money进入本国,money demand增加,汇率上升,符合题意,C选项正确。<br/>● D选项,进口增加,推导同A选项,汇率下降,与题意不符,D选项错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>22 What is most likely to cause a rise in a country’s exchange rate? A a fall in its direct taxes B a fall in its export orders C a rise in its interest rates D a rise in its imports </small> |} <br/> ===23=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_23.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' B'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || exchange rate变化的原因 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,政府减少了对出口品的补贴,因此出口会下降,货币的D线会左移,与题意不符,A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,美元被低估,因此人们会大量买入美元,增加money demand,货币的D线右移,符合题意,B选项正确。<br/>● C选项,政府干预外汇市场使得美元贬值,一般是通过增加本币供应完成,因此是money supply增加,与题意不符,C选项错误。<br/>● D选项,美国医药公司的出口下降,推导同A选项,D线左移,与题意不符,D选项错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>23 Which change affecting the foreign exchange market for the US$ would be most likely to result in a shift to the right of the demand curve and a movement along the supply curve? A The US government reduces subsidies on exports to the EU. B Foreign currency speculators in Switzerland believe that the US$ is undervalued and act accordingly. C The US government intervenes in the foreign exchange market so as to bring about a drop in the value of the US$. D US pharmaceutical companies experience a fall in demand for their products from the rest of the world. </small> |} <br/> ===24=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_24.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' B'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || terms of trade的用途 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● terms of trade是出口价格与进口价格之比,用于衡量一个国家的贸易地位,即卖多少出口商品能够换回一个进口商品。因此B选项正确,用于衡量出口商品的购买力。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>24 What can be best understood from a knowledge of a country’s terms of trade? A its balance of payments performance B the purchasing power of its exports C the standard of living within the country D the value of its real exchange rate </small> |} <br/> ===25=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_25.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' D'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || AD和AS的影响因素 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 本国工人的工资变化,作为成本,会影响AS线(本国工资增加则左移,反之右移);外国工人的工资变化,会影响到对本国出口产品的购买,会影响AD线(外国工资增加则出口增加,AD右移,反之左移)。<br/>● 根据上述分析,只有D选项的移动组合能够做到均衡价格上升但数量不变,因此D选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>25 A company produces goods for export only. Which change could cause a rise in the price of its goods while the quantity sold is unchanged? A unchanged fall B fall unchanged C fall fall D rise rise </small> |} <br/> ===26=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_26.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' B'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || supply-side policy的作用 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 当经济情况不佳时,supply-side policy更适合帮助政府实现经济目标。因此选择失业率高、通胀高(价格水平上升)的时期,B选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>26 Under which current conditions will supply-side policy measures be most likely to achieve a country’s key macroeconomic goals? A high stable B high rising C low stable D low rising </small> |} <br/> ===27=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_27.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' A'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || 使用floating exchange rate的好处 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,浮动汇率的使用允许政府使用货币政策调节经济,而且由于浮动汇率可以自主调节current account的平衡,因此政府可以将精力放到其他经济目标的调节上,因此使得政府能够更加独立地制定政策,A选项正确。<br/>● B选项,固定汇率才会鼓励政府建立外汇储备,以便通过外汇储备的增减来固定住官方汇率,浮动汇率没有该功能,因此B选项错误。<br/>● C选项,浮动汇率因为不断变化,会加剧市场波动,带来汇率风险,与题意不符,C选项错误。<br/>● D选项,浮动汇率带来汇率风险,使得企业对未来成本与价格产生更多的担忧,固定汇率则可以使得企业对未来更加自信,因此D选项错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>27 Why might a government prefer to use floating exchange rates? A It allows the government more independence in policy making. B It encourages the government to build up its foreign exchange reserves. C It eliminates the instability of free markets. D It gives firms more confidence in future costs and prices. </small> |} <br/> ===28=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_28.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' B'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || expansionary fiscal policy的影响 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,扩张性财政政策会使得AD增加,因此AD会上升,与题意不符,A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,扩张性财政政策一般是政府支出的增加或税收的下降,这些政策都会使得budget surplus下降,因此该选项最不可能上升,符合题意,B选项正确。<br/>● C选项,推导同A选项,AD上升,经济增长,nominal income会上升,与题意不符,C选项错误。<br/>● D选项,推导同A选项,AD上升,inflation会出现,与题意不符,D选项错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>28 What is least likely to rise as a result of the use of expansionary fiscal policy? A aggregate demand B budget surplus C nominal income D inflation </small> |} <br/> ===29=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_29.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || money value、real data和inflation rate的换算;economic growth rate的计算 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 第一列关于inflation rate的计算,由于题干中给出的是money GDP和real GDP,考虑根据三者之间关系进行分析。real GDP变化率 = money GDP变化率 - inflation rate,题干中money GDP涨幅明显高于real GDP涨幅,这说明inflation rate大于0,即存在通胀(如果具体计算,则第一年是2%,第二年是6.5%),排除A、B两选项。<br/>● 第二列关于经济增长率的计算,直接看real GDP的数据,real GDP始终在上升但越来越慢,说明经济增长率始终大于0但越来越小,排除B、D两选项。<br/>● 综上所述,只有C选项符合题意,C选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>29 The table shows GDP indices for a country over a three-year period. Inflation and economic growth are two macroeconomic policy objectives. Which row gives a correct assessment of the country’s achievement of these two objectives over the period? A cannot tell positive B declining cannot tell C positive declining D rising negative </small> |} <br/> ===30=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_12_30.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' D'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || 对改善current account的政策的评价 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,经济下滑和政府增加interest rate不矛盾,并不会妨碍到人们增加储蓄减少消费,甚至会促进人们这么做,从而减少进口并改善current account,因此与题意不符,A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,消费者的悲观情绪也和政府增加interest rate不矛盾,推导同A选项,会鼓励人们少消费进口品,因此与题意不符,B选项错误。<br/>● C选项,增加本国储蓄也和政府增加interest rate不矛盾,,推导同A选项,会鼓励人们少消费进口品,因此与题意不符,C选项错误。<br/>● D选项,出口品是elastic有弹性的。如果政府提高了利率,则汇率也会上升,这导致出口价格上升,如果出口品是elastic的,则出口额会下降,因此无法改善current account,削弱了政府政策的有效性,符合题意,D选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>30 A government raises interest rates to improve the current account of the balance of payments. What might reduce the effectiveness of this policy? A a fall in domestic growth B consumer pessimism C increased domestic saving D price-elastic demand for exports </small> |} <br/>
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