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9708 m23 qp 32
<center><big>[[CAIE AS and A Level past papers|'''【点此返回历年真题目录】''']]</big></center> <br/> <big>'''单题搜索方法''':右上角搜索中输入'''该题题干中的部分文字''',点击搜索后进入相关页面,然后使用ctrl+F5(或其他按键组合调出搜索框),再次搜索该题干文字,直接定位到题目。</big> <br/> ==整卷下载== *{{color|red|'''试卷'''}}请点击此处 ⇒ [https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/Images/596271-2023-specimen-paper-3.pdf 【9708_m23_qp_32】] *{{color|red|'''答案'''}}请点击此处 ⇒ [https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/Images/596262-2023-specimen-paper-3-mark-scheme.pdf 【9708_m23_ms_32】] ==试卷难易度分析== <div class="No_Select"> <br/> <big>'''关于难度分类的说明:'''</big><br/> {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}}:概念类、识别类、公式计算类<br/> {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}}:原因分析类、影响分析类、图像分析类、计算分析类<br/> {{Background color|red|{{color|white|''' 困难 '''}}}}:全新概念类、全新场景类、全新图像类、推导复杂类、观点评价类、对比评价类、政策评价类<br/> <br/> {| class="wikitable" |+ 试卷难易度分析 |-style="text-align:center" ! 考察章节 !! 容易 !! 中等 !! 困难 !! '''总计''' |-style="text-align:center" | Chapter 7 || 1 || 8 || 1 || '''10''' |-style="text-align:center" | Chapter 8 || 1 || 5 || 0 || '''6''' |-style="text-align:center" | Chapter 9 || 1 || 5 || 0 || '''6''' |-style="text-align:center" | Chapter 10 || 0 || 2 || 0 || '''2''' |-style="text-align:center" | Chapter 11 || 2 || 4 || 0 || '''6''' |-style="text-align:center" | '''总计''' || '''5''' || '''24''' || '''1''' || '''30''' |} </div> ==题目解答== ===1=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_1.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' D'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || rational consumer的特征 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 第一列,拥有完全信息,属于理性人的特征,选yes;<br/>● 第二列,上瘾性的行为,理性人完全以利益最大化为目标,不会考虑习惯等外部因素,选no;<br/>● 第三列,个人的选择独立于其他消费者,属于理性人的特征,不会受其他人的选择的影响(不会跟风),选yes。<br/>● 综上所述,D选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>1 Utility theory is based on the assumption of the ‘rational consumer’. What is necessary to act as a ‘rational consumer’? access to complete information addictive behaviour choice is independent of other consumers A no yes yes B yes no no C yes yes no D yes no yes </small> |} <br/> ===2=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_2.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' B'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || equi-marginal principle的应用 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 当消费者实现utility效用最大化时,会满足equi-marginal principle,即所有商品的marginal utility/price都相等。<br/>● A选项,36/6不等于32/8,A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,24/6等于32/8,B选项正确。<br/>● C选项,18/6不等于18/8,C选项错误。<br/>● D选项,0/6不等于9/8,D选项错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>2 The price of good S is $6 and the price of good T is $8. A consumer’s marginal utility for each good is shown. units marginal utility of good S marginal utility of good T 1 36 32 2 24 22 3 18 20 4 9 18 5 0 9 If this consumer wants to maximise total utility, which combination of goods would they consume? </small> |} <br/> ===3=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_3.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' B'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || budget line的变化;substitution effect与income effect的识别 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 第一列,因为均衡点由E1变为E2,可以确定budget line是从FG转向FH,这意味着X商品的数量增加,因此可以推断X商品的价格下降;<br/>● 第二列,substitution effect表示X商品价格下降后,人们倾向于购买更多的X商品,图像上表现为均衡点沿着原IC无差异曲线滑动,可以看到其数量增加,因此选positive;<br/>● 第三列,income effect表示人们收入增加后会增加或减少该产品的购买,图像上表现为两条平行的budget line与无差异曲线的交点,可以看到其数量下降,因此选negative。<br/>● 综上所述,B选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>3 The diagram shows the effect of a price change on an individual consumer’s equilibrium, moving from E1 to E2. What can be deduced from the diagram about the price change, the substitution effect and the income effect? A price of X falls positive positive B price of X falls positive negative C price of Y rises negative positive D price of Y rises negative negative </small> |} <br/> ===4=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_4.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' D'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || dynamic efficiency的形成原因 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● dynamic efficiency动态效率的来源主要是科技、设备的进步,使得企业能够在长期内始终保持生产效率(领先于竞争对手或时代潮流)。为实现研发,一般需要较多的abnormal profit超额利润为资金基础。<br/>● A选项,门槛下降,竞争增加,这会削减企业利润,不利于动态效率的实现,A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,企业必须在P=MC处生产,有分配效率,但没有提是否有超额利润(一般很难有超额利润),B选项错误。<br/>● C选项,利润税提高,减少了企业利润,不利于动态效率的实现,C选项错误。<br/>● D选项,对留存利润收税下降,鼓励企业投资新技术,是实现动态效率的正确手段,D选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>4 What is likely to help create dynamic efficiency? A Entry barriers are reduced to increase competition in the market. B Firms are legally bound to produce where price equals marginal cost. C Taxes on profits are raised to encourage firms to produce where price equals average cost. D Taxes on retained profits are reduced to encourage investment in new technology. </small> |} <br/> ===5=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_5.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' D'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || sales maximisation和normal profit的满足条件 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● sales maximisation和normal profit的满足条件一样,都是AR=AC,因此在图上找到AR线与AC线的交点,D选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>5 At which level of output is sales maximisation achieved consistent with earning normal profit? </small> |} <br/> ===6=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_6.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' A'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || 长期monopolistic competition模型的理解 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 第一列,长期垄断性竞争模型中,企业在利润最大化的前提下是无法同时满足AR=MC的分配效率的,选no;<br/>● 第二列,长期垄断性竞争模型中,由于没有门槛,企业只能赚取normal profits,选no。<br/>● 综上所述,A选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>6 What is achieved in monopolistic competition in the long run? allocative efficiency supernormal profit A no no B no yes C yes no D yes yes </small> |} <br/> ===7=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_7.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' B'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || market failure的原因 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,疫苗一般被认为是merit good有益产品,有positive consumption externality正消费外部性,打了疫苗的人会减少周围人群感染率,因此A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,人们对疫苗好处的认知一般会不足,因此存在imperfect competition,因此B选项正确。<br/>● C选项,参考A选项和B选项的分析,C选项错误。<br/>● D选项,疫苗一般是需要花钱的,而且供应数量有限,不属于public good,因此D选项错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>7 The world’s largest pharmaceutical companies developed and distributed an effective vaccine to combat a dangerous virus. What can be associated with this vaccine programme? A demerit good and negative production externality B imperfect competition and positive consumption externality C perfect competition and negative consumption externality D public good and negative production externality </small> |} <br/> ===8=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_8.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|red|{{color|white|''' 困难 '''}}}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || 对principal-agent problem的理解 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● principal-agent problem委托代理问题指委托人和代理人的目标不一致,代理人可能通过损害委托人的利益来使得自己获益。在本题情境下,房东为principal委托人,租客为agent代理人。<br/>● A选项,租客忘记关水龙头导致地板淹水,损害了房东的财产,属于principal-agent problem,A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,租客开派对,客人们损坏了房屋内部,同样损害了房东的财产,属于principal-agent problem,B选项错误。<br/>● C选项,租客出去吃饭时没有关灯和电视,根据题干,造成的电费损失是由租客自己承担的,因此没有损害房东的利益,没有principal-agent problem,C选项正确。<br/>● D选项,租客在花园里停车,损坏了草和树篱,损害了房东的财产,属于principal-agent problem,D选项错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>8 A landlord owns a house which is rented to tenants. The tenants are required to pay the electricity and water bills. The landlord is required to decorate and repair damage to the house and its gardens. What is not an example of the principal-agent problem? A The tenants forget to switch off a tap when filling a bath and water overflows, damaging the floor. B The tenants have a party and their guests cause damage to the interior of the house. C The tenants leave the lights and the TV on when they go out for an evening meal. D The tenants park their car in the garden, damaging the grass and the surrounding hedge. </small> |} <br/> ===9=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_9.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || cost-benefit analysis的理解与评价 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 根据题意,该项目有正的net social benefit,因此按照经济学常理来说,该项目应该实施,但最后没有成功,本题要求选出没有成功的理由。<br/>● A选项,该项目对私企不赚钱,题目中没有明确指出private benefits和private costs,因此无法判定私企是否赚钱,A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,该项目已经有净社会收益,一般来说是有正外部性的,B选项错误。<br/>● C选项,政府资源有限,因此可能会放弃该项目,推断合理,C选项正确。<br/>● D选项,该项目已经有净社会收益,收益的部分应比损失的部分低,D选项错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>9 The result of a cost-benefit analysis of a proposed government road-building project is that there will be a positive net social benefit of $50 million. Why might the government not proceed with the project? A The project would not be profitable for a private firm. B The project would cause negative externalities. C There is limited capital available for government projects. D There would be more who lost than gained. </small> |} <br/> ===10=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_10.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || 对allocative efficiency的理解 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 当MC低于price时,消费者会增加产品的购买,因此产品的产量会上升,而商品的价格会下降,直到分配效率达成。因此根据题意,C选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>10 If the marginal cost of a good is lower than its price, allocative efficiency has not been achieved. What is likely to remedy this situation? production of the good price of the good A decrease decrease B decrease increase C increase decrease D increase increase </small> |} <br/> ===11=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_11.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' A'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || minimum wage的影响 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 劳动力市场均衡时,就业人数为Y。当设置最低工资W时,虽然有Z数量的人愿意提供劳动力,但对劳动力的需求降为X,因此真正能找到工作的人数只有X。劳动力前后变化为下降了XY的大小,因此A选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>11 The diagram shows an industry’s demand for and supply of labour. Initially, the labour market is in equilibrium. The government introduces a minimum wage of OW0. What will be the effect on the level of employment in the industry? A a decrease equal to XY B a decrease equal to XZ C an increase equal to XY D an increase equal to YZ </small> |} <br/> ===12=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_12.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' D'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || 对劳动力供给线的弹性(WES)的理解 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,因为题目中画的是劳动力的supply线,与MRP无关(MRP是demand线),选项错误。<br/>● B选项,工会主要帮助劳动者索要高工资和维护权益,和supply线的形状关系不大,B选项错误。<br/>● C选项,劳动力成本占总成本的比重影响的是demand线的弹性而非supply线的弹性,C选项错误。<br/>● D选项,X市场中对劳动力有更高技术能力的需求,因此满足要求的人不会太多,新增一个劳动力需要支付更高工资,因此supply线更加inelastic,D选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>12 The diagram shows the supply curve of labour for two separate markets, X and Y. What explains the difference in the gradients of the labour supply curves? A Market X has a higher marginal revenue product per worker than Y. B Market X has a higher percentage of its labour belonging to a trade union than Y. C Market X has higher labour costs as a percentage of total costs than Y. D Market X has more specific skills and training requirements than Y. </small> |} <br/> ===13=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_13.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' D'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || 收入差异的原因 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,选择Y工作的人可能会看重更多休息日、工作时长短、工作安全性高等多个原因,不能直接断定就是更看重工作安全性,因此选项错误。<br/>● B选项,理由同A选项,看重的理由有多种,不能直接断定其中一种,因此B选项错误。<br/>● C选项,现有的条件中只说明了X工作培训时间短,难以直接推导出培训竞争激烈的结论,因此C选项错误。<br/>● D选项,现有的条件中,Yg工作的休息时间长、工作时间更短、工作安全性更高等,已经是non-pecuniary advantages非工资类优势的体现,能够找到明确证据,因此D选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>13 The table shows the main characteristics of employment in two occupations. occupation X occupation Y average annual wage $100 000 $60 000 number of weeks of annual leave 5 weeks 10 weeks average length of working week 48 hours 44 hours job security low high length of training course to obtain job qualification 1 year 2 years What can definitely be deduced from the table? A Those employed in occupation Y attach greater importance to job security. B Those employed in occupation X attach less importance to leisure activities. C There will be more competition for places on training courses to enter occupation X than occupation Y. D Occupation Y has more non-pecuniary advantages than occupation X. </small> |} <br/> ===14=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_14.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' B'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || 税收对平等性的影响 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● direct tax基本上属于progressive tax,穷人收的比例低而富人收的比例高,如果想要增加不平等,需要减少该类税收的收取,第一列选fall;<br/>● indirect tax基本上属于regressive tax,穷人收的比例高而富人收的比例低,如果想要增加不平等,需要增加该类税收的收取,第二列选rise。<br/>● 综上所述,B选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>14 Which changes in direct and indirect tax are likely to increase the inequality in the distribution of income in a developed economy? direct taxes indirect taxes A fall fall B fall rise C rise fall D rise remain constant </small> |} <br/> ===15=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_15.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' D'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || 纠正market failure的政策 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,减少停车费,使用汽车的成本降低,会鼓励人们多使用汽车,与题意不符,A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,降低汽油的税收,使用汽车的成本降低,会鼓励人们多使用汽车,与题意不符,B选项错误。<br/>● C选项,自行车可以看作汽车的替代品,如果限制自行车的使用,则人们会更多地使用汽车,与题意不符,C选项错误。<br/>● D选项,补贴公共交通,这会减少乘坐公共交通出行的成本,鼓励人们多使用公共交通,减少汽车的使用,符合题意,D选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>15 A government wishes to reduce the use of cars in cities. Which policy should be used? A a decrease in parking charges B lowering tax on petrol (gasoline) C restricting cycling D subsidising public transport</small> |} <br/> ===16=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_16.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || disposable income的计算 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● disposable income指所有收入减去收入税并加上应得补助之后的收入。题干中提到的25%是销售税,属于对产品和服务的税收,不属于收入税,因此不应该参与计算。所以disposable income = income - income tax + benefit = 100%-45%+5%=60% |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>16 In a country, the top 20% of earners pay 45% in income tax and 25% on sales taxes, and receive 5% in cash benefits. What is the percentage of disposable income for this group? A 30% B 55% C 60% D 80% </small> |} <br/> ===17=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_17.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' B'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || budget deficit的影响因素 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 当total GDP下降时,政府会增加政府支出来刺激经济,因此budget deficit会增加,第一列选decreases。<br/>● 当失业增加时,政府会增加对失业人群的补助,增加政府支出,因此budget deficit会增加,第二列选rises。<br/>● 当政府支出增加时,budget deficit会增加,第三列选increases或no change。<br/>● 综上所述,B选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>17 Which combination of circumstances is most likely to lead to an increase in a country’s budget deficit? total GDP unemployment government spending A decreases rises decreases B decreases rises no change C increases falls increases D increases falls no change</small> |} <br/> ===18=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_18.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || central bank与commercial bank的职责 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,发行货币仅是央行的职责,A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,最后贷款人仅是央行的职责,B选项错误。<br/>● C选项,最大化利润,是商业银行的目标(商业银行按私企理解),央行主要负责稳定经济,制定货币政策,不以盈利为目标,因此C选项正确。<br/>● D选项,直接从政府处收到存款,仅是央行的职责,D选项错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>18 Which statement applies to a central bank and to a commercial bank? central bank commercial bank A issues bank notes yes yes B lender of the last resort yes yes C maximises profit no yes D receives deposits directly from the government no yes </small> |} <br/> ===19=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_19.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' B'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || sustainable economic growth的原因 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,人们从农村转移到城市,容易造成一系列城市化问题(交通阻塞、教育资源紧缺等),不是最优选项,A选项排除。<br/>● B选项,技术培训的提升,有利于提升劳动力素质,促进长期经济增长,B选项正确。<br/>● C选项,人口规模增加,容易造成资源分配紧张,不是最优选项,C选项排除。<br/>● D选项,消费者信用等级提升,虽然可能会增加消费,但不一定能够长期持续,因此不是最优选项,D选项排除。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>19 What is most likely to be the biggest contribution to sustainable economic growth in a developed economy? A a movement of people from rural to urban areas B an increase in technical training C an increase in the size of the population D rising consumer credit levels </small> |} <br/> ===20=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_20.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' B'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || 导致unemployment的原因 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,增加再培训设施,有利于减少因为技能不足而导致的structural unemployment,A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,indirect tax的增加会导致人们减少产品的购买,生产商会缩减产出,从而造成更多失业,B选项正确。<br/>● C选项,增加进口限制,会扩大本国生产商的市场份额,促进本国生产商增加生产,减少失业,C选项错误。<br/>● D选项,增加公共部门赤字,是增加政府支出或降低税收的结果,经济会增长,失业下降,D选项错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>20 Which policy is likely to increase unemployment? A an increase in retraining facilities B a significant increase in indirect taxes C the imposition of selective import controls D an increase in the public sector deficit </small> |} <br/> ===21=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_21.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || accelerator的定义 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● accelerator principle加速器理论指的是经济的增长会带动投资进一步上升,因此投资是经济增长(国民收入增加)的函数,I=a*ΔY,因此C选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>21 What does the accelerator principle state? A Consumption is a function of the rate of change of income. B Income is a function of the rate of change of investment. C Investment is a function of the rate of change of income. D Investment is a function of the rate of interest. </small> |} <br/> ===22=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_22.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' B'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || monetary policy对宏观经济目标的影响 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,通过扩张性的货币政策,可以实现经济增长,从而减少失业,因此低失业目标可能会实现,A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,货币政策很难带来更加平等的结果,平等的目标一般由财政政策发福利和补贴来实现,因此B选项正确。<br/>● C选项,通过调节利率或货币供给,是能够维持汇率稳定的(实现固定汇率),因此C选项错误。<br/>● D选项,通过实施正确方向的货币政策,可以实现降低通胀或修正通缩,维持基本稳定的价格水平,D选项错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>22 Which government aim is least likely to be achieved using macroeconomic monetary policy measures? A low unemployment level B more equal income distribution C stable exchange rate D steady price level </small> |} <br/> ===23=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_23.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' D'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || fiscal policy对宏观经济目标的影响 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 第一列,扩张性财政政策通过增加政府支出或减少税收,能够实现经济增长,增加更多就业,选对;<br/>● 第二列,扩张性财政政策会使得AD右移,带来demand-pull inflation,价格水平不稳定,选错;<br/>● 第三列,本国通胀后,出口价格上升,出口降低,current account surplus下降,选错。<br/>● 综上所述,D选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>23 A government adopts an expansionary fiscal policy to increase the economic growth rate. Which other main macroeconomic aims is this policy most likely to help? full employment stable price level current account surplus </small> |} <br/> ===24=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_24.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' A'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || devaluation的影响 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,贬值使得出口价格下降,增加出口,经济增长,带来更多就业,是积极影响,A选项正确。<br/>● B选项,外国也通过货币贬值减少了我国的出口优势,这是对经济的负面影响,与题意不符,B选项错误。<br/>● C选项,进口产品弹性小,导致cost-push inflation,也是对经济的负面影响,与题意不符,C选项错误。<br/>● D选项,进口税收的损失会减少政府后续对贸易的促进,这是对经济的负面影响,与题意不符,D选项错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>24 Country X decides to devalue its currency to eliminate a balance of payments deficit. Why might devaluation have a positive effect on its macroeconomy? A Competitive pricing of exports may create employment potential in country X. B Foreign importers may depreciate their own currencies and reduce any advantage gained by country X. C Inelastic demand for imported raw materials may lead to cost inflation in country X. D Loss of import duties by country X may reduce government backing for trade promotion. </small> |} <br/> ===25=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_25.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' D'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || sustainable economic growth的原因 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,国家矿产资源加速消耗,这会造成对后代人造成很大的负面影响,与题意不符,A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,从海外借贷,这会加重后代人的还款压力,阻碍长期经济增长,与题意不符,B选项错误。<br/>● C选项,使用本国高储蓄进行投资,损害当代人利益,没有充分满足当代人的消费需求,与题意不符,C选项错误。<br/>● D选项,生产过程实现技术革新,这能够促进长期经济增长,因此对当代和后代人都有好处,D选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>25 Which cause of economic growth would involve the least cost for present and future generations of a country’s population? A increased exploitation of a country’s mineral resources B investment financed by borrowing from abroad C investment financed by high rates of domestic savings D technological innovations in production processes </small> |} <br/> ===26=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_26.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || economic growth与economic development的衡量指标 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 第一列,GDP的分配情况,即平等性,仅在developmemt时考虑,选yes;<br/>● 第二列,贫困的情况,仅在developmemt时考虑,选yes;<br/>● 第三列,人均收入,既是growth的指标,也在development中考虑,选no。<br/>● 综上所述,C选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>26 Which additional components may be included when measuring economic development that are not included in measures of economic growth? changes in the distribution of GDP level of poverty real income per capita A no no yes B no yes no C yes yes no D yes yes yes</small> |} <br/> ===27=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_27.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' A'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || Kuznets curve的识别 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 注意图像的坐标轴,横轴是人均收入,纵轴是收入不平等性,符合该坐标轴的图像是Kuznets curve,A选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>27 Which curve is shown in the diagram? A Kuznets curve B Laffer curve C Lorenz curve D Phillips curve </small> |} <br/> ===28=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_28.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' D'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || 衡量economic development的指标 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● A选项,平均上学年数作为教育指标,可以用于衡量economic development,A选项错误。<br/>● B选项,平均预期寿命作为健康医疗指标,可以用于衡量economic development,B选项错误。<br/>● C选项,人均实际GNP作为经济指标,也可以用于衡量economic development,C选项错误。<br/>● D选项,人口规模,在典型的几个衡量economic development的指标中没有该指标,D选项错误。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>28 Which indicator is least likely to be used when measuring the comparative economic development of an economy? A mean years of schooling B average life expectancy at birth C level of real GNP per head D size of population </small> |} <br/> ===29=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_29.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#00FF00|''' 容易 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || expenditure-switching policy的识别 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● expenditure-switching policy指的是能够促进人们更多地购买本国产品(增加出口、减少进口)的政策,一般是汇率政策、贸易保护政策和供给侧政策。<br/>● A、B、D三个选项都是收缩性政策,属于expenditure-reducing policy的类型,均错误。<br/>● C选项,增加关税率,属于贸易保护政策,能够促进人们减少进口、多购买本国产品,属于expenditure-switching policy,C选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>29 What is an example of an expenditure-switching policy? A an increase in income tax rates B an increase in interest rates C an increase in tariff rates D an increase in the supply of money </small> |} <br/> ===30=== {| |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''题目''' || || style="background: #FAF0E6"| [[File: 9708_m23_qp_32_30.png|800px]] |- | align="right"|'''答案''' || || <big><big>''' C'''</big></big> |- | align="right"|'''难度''' || || {{Background color|#FFC20E|''' 中等 '''}} |- | align="right" valign="top"|'''考察知识点''' || || migration的影响 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''解答要点''' || || ● 第一列,移民会增加当地的劳动力,也会增加当地的需求,带动当地经济增长,因此选increase;<br/>● 第二列,移民增加了当地的劳动力供给,劳动力的supply线会右移,导致工资水平下降,因此选decrease。<br/>● 综上所述,C选项正确。 |- | align="right" valign="top" width="100px" |'''文字版备查''' || || <small>30 Labour from low-income countries often migrates to high-income countries and finds jobs. How would such a movement of labour be likely to affect the economic growth and the pressure on wage rises in the high-income country? economic growth pressure on wage rises A decrease decrease B decrease increase C increase decrease D increase increase </small> |} <br/>
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9708 m23 qp 32
A Level 经济 - CAIE
A Level 经济 - 国际Edexcel
IGCSE 经济 - Edexcel
A Level 计算机CS - CAIE
A Level 信息技术ICT - CAIE
A Level 历史 - CAIE