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2022年8月21日 (日) 11:25的版本





 容易 :概念类、识别类、公式计算类
 中等 :原因分析类、影响分析类、图像分析类、计算分析类
 困难 :全新概念类、全新场景类、全新图像类、推导复杂类、观点评价类、对比评价类、政策评价类

考察章节 容易 中等 困难 总计
Chapter 1 2 3 0 5
Chapter 2 0 6 1 7
Chapter 3 3 1 0 4
Chapter 4 1 3 0 4
Chapter 5 0 1 1 2
Chapter 6 1 6 1 8
总计 7 20 3 30



题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 1.png
答案    A
难度    容易 
考察知识点   ceteris paribus含义
解答要点   ● ceteris paribus意味着除正在研究的自变量要素之外,其他可能影响因变量的要素均保持不变。
● 本题中研究的自变量是price,故而除了price以外,能够影响因变量demand的其他要素都需要保持不变。A选项正确。
文字版备查   1 The demand for a product is inversely related to its price, ceteris paribus. What does ceteris paribus mean in this context? A Factors affecting demand other than price are held constant. B Factors affecting price other than demand are held constant. C Price changes result from changes in demand. D Price falls result in increased quantity demanded.


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 2.png
答案    A
难度    中等 
考察知识点   economic system变化的影响
解答要点   ● mixed economies转向market economies后,政府完全不再参与经济调节。而B选项的免费公交、C选项的最高价格调控、D选项的补贴都是政府调节的方式,因此BCD三个选项全部错误。
● A选项,允许企业通过竞价来决定路线,是市场分配资源的体现,正确。
文字版备查   2 What is likely to be introduced in the market for bus travel if an economy moves from a mixed economy to a market economy? A allowing companies to bid for bus routes B free bus travel for school children C maximum prices for bus travel D subsidies to bus operators


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 3.png
答案    D
难度    中等 
考察知识点   PPC移动的影响
解答要点   ● PPC向右旋转后,生产100单位玉米原本需要牺牲100单位豆子,现在需要牺牲200单位豆子,说明机会成本上升,排除A、B选项。
● 旋转后,豆子的产量增加,因此可以带来的收入提升,D选项正确。
文字版备查   3 The diagram shows that the production possibility curve (PPC) of maize and beans has changed from PPC1 to PPC2. What has happened to the opportunity cost of maize and the returns to factors producing beans? A fallen fallen B fallen risen C risen fallen D risen risen


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 4.png
答案    B
难度    容易 
考察知识点   各类goods的识别
解答要点   ● 由于需要买票,具有excludable特征,不可能是public goods,所以排除C、D两个选项。
● 政府所有的艺术馆,说明政府支持该产品,因此应该是merit goods有益商品,B选项正确。
文字版备查   4 An individual buys a ticket to visit a government-owned art gallery. How would this visit be classified by an economist? A private and demerit good B private and merit good C public and demerit good D public and merit good


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 5.png
答案    C
难度    中等 
考察知识点   Supply线移动的原因
解答要点   ● A选项,成本下降,S线应右移,与题意不符,错误。
● B选项,产品受欢迎程度下降,应该是D线左移,与题意不符,错误。
● C选项,补贴下降,S线应左移,符合题意,正确。
● 税收下降,S线应右移,与题意不符,错误。
文字版备查   5 The diagram shows a shift in a firm’s supply curve from S1 to S2. What may have caused the shift from S1 to S2? A a decrease in the costs of production of the firm B a decrease in the popularity of the firm’s product C a decrease in the subsidy on the good D a decrease in the tax on the good


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 6.png
答案    B
难度    中等 
考察知识点   role of enterprise的含义
解答要点   ● role of enterprise包含两种职责,一个是组织生产做决策,一个是承担风险。其中A选项决定出口市场、C选项的引入新系统降低成本、D选项的引入技术提升改进生产流程,都属于组织生产的范畴,所以A、C、D三个选项均排除。
● B选项,给供应商支付款项,这不属于上述的两种职责,符合题意,正确。
文字版备查   6 What is not an example of the role of the factor enterprise in a modern economy? A deciding on new export markets for the firm’s goods and services B making payments to suppliers for raw materials and capital goods C reducing costs through the introduction of a new shift system for employees D transforming the production process with the introduction of technological improvements


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 7.png
答案    B
难度    中等 
考察知识点   PED与TR的关系;PED的数值分类;TR的计算
解答要点   ● 根据表中数据,发现无论价格如何上升,Q始终为100单位。因此根据PED各种类型的定义,Q始终保持不变的属于perfectly inelastic,B选项正确。
文字版备查   7 A manufacturer increases the price of a product from $4 in an attempt to increase total expenditure on the product. The table shows the outcome of the policy. What is the price elasticity of demand for the product? A perfectly elastic B perfectly inelastic C relatively elastic D relatively inelastic


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 8.png
答案    C
难度    中等 
考察知识点   PES的影响因素
解答要点   ● PES=0.3,说明该企业属于inelastic。
● Inelastic的企业,通常其productive capacity较小。A选项错误。
● inelastic的企业,通常stock偏少。B选项错误。
● Inelastic的企业,通常库存偏少,推测可能生产的多是难以存放的产品,如容易腐烂的东西,C选项正确。
● inelastic的企业,通常生产要素之间难以迅速替换,D选项错误。
文字版备查   8 A firm establishes that the price elasticity of supply of its product has a value of 0.3. What is likely to be true about the firm? A It has unused productive capacity. B It has a lot of stock of its product. C It uses a high proportion of perishable raw materials. D It uses factors of production that are easily substituted.


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 9.png
答案    D
难度    中等 
考察知识点   市场均衡点的移动;需求和供给的各类影响因素
解答要点   ● 战争导致原油供给下降,S线左移。
● 原油进口国天气变冷,导致对原油需求增加,D线右移。
● 因此均衡价格会从P移动到P4,D选项正确。
文字版备查   9 The diagram shows the market for oil. The original equilibrium price is P. There is a reduction in world oil supplies due to war in some supplying countries. At the same time some importing countries are much colder than usual. What will be the equilibrium price of oil after these changes? A P1 B P2 C P3 D P4


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 10.png
答案    B
难度    中等 
考察知识点   市场均衡点的移动;需求和供给的各类影响因素
解答要点   ● 需求下降,D线左移;成本下降,S线右移。经过图像绘制后,可以看出均衡价格一定下降,但均衡数量无法准确判断,和线的移动幅度有关系,因此B选项正确。
文字版备查   10 The demand for a good falls at the same time as its costs of production decrease. What will be the combined effect of these changes on the price and on the quantity supplied of the good? A decrease decrease B decrease uncertain C uncertain decrease D uncertain uncertain


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 11.png
答案    C
难度    中等 
考察知识点   PED和PES对tax incidence的影响
解答要点   ● 收税后,要找到使得consumer surplus下降最多的情况,实际也就是要找到consumer一方承担最多税收的弹性组合。
● 根据总结出来的规律,PED和PES谁数值偏小,谁承担更多tax。因此PED要尽可能数值小(inelastic)而PES要尽可能数值大(elastic)。所以C选项的组合是本题答案。
文字版备查   11 A government imposes a specific indirect tax on a product. When will the tax cause the greatest reduction in consumer surplus for the buyers of the product? A When the product has price elastic demand and price elastic supply. B When the product has price elastic demand and price inelastic supply. C When the product has price inelastic demand and price elastic supply. D When the product has price inelastic demand and price inelastic supply.


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 12.png
答案    D
难度    困难 
考察知识点   consumer surplus的含义
解答要点   ● 因为要求三人的consumer surplus一样,因此可按照其定义将三人的consumer surplus计算出来进行判断。题中表格给出了三人愿意支付的价格,选项中给出了可能的实际支付价格,因此只要分别给三人计算两个价格的差值,即可得出consumer surplus。
● D选项中,Jane的消费者剩余=10-6=4元,Sara的消费者剩余=8-4=4元,Yasmin的消费者剩余=6-2=4元,均相同,因此D选项正确。
● 其他选项检验方法类似,发现三人的消费者剩余不一样,与题意不符,均错误。
文字版备查   12 The table shows the maximum amount three students would each be willing to pay for a taxi to take them home from a nightclub. The fare for the taxi is $12. Assume they share the taxi fare as shown in the table below. Which row shows how much they each should pay so that they each obtain the same consumer surplus? A 2.00 4.00 6.00 B 4.00 4.00 4.00 C 5.00 4.00 3.00 D 6.00 4.00 2.00


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 13.png
答案    D
难度    中等 
考察知识点   minimum price的有效性及影响
解答要点   ● 如果minimum price设定在原均衡价格下方,则该价格是无效的,市场仍在原有价格处进行生产与消费,D和S不变,所以A选项错误,D选项正确。
● 如果minimum price设定在原均衡价格上方,则需求会下降,供给会上升,B选项和C选项均与题意不符,错误。
文字版备查   13 A government fixes a minimum price for a service. What will be the outcome of such a policy? A Demand will fall if the minimum price is below the equilibrium price. B Demand will rise if the minimum price is above the equilibrium price. C Production will fall if the minimum price is above the equilibrium price. D Production will stay the same if the minimum price is below the equilibrium price.


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 14.png
答案    D
难度    容易 
考察知识点   tax revenue的图像识别
解答要点   ● tax revenue=单位收税额×应收税商品数量。单位收税额是两条S线间的垂直距离JM,收税产品数量为收税后的S线S2与D线交点确定的产量,长度为MZ。二者相乘得出的长方形面积为XJMZ,D选项正确。
文字版备查   14 The diagram illustrates the effects of placing a specific indirect tax equal to JM on a good. Which area represents total tax receipts? A JKM B XJKY C XJLY D XJMZ


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 15.png
答案    B
难度    容易 
考察知识点   supply的图像识别;供给的各类影响因素
解答要点   ● specific subsidy会导致S线平行右移,从S1移到S2,B选项正确。
文字版备查   15 The diagram shows the demand curve, D1, and the supply curve, S1, for a good. The government decides to pay producers a specific subsidy for each unit supplied to the market. Which curve shows the new effective demand or supply curve? A D2 B S2 C S3 D S4


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 16.png
答案    C
难度    容易 
考察知识点   transfer payment的识别
解答要点   ● transfer payment指的是与生产无关的各类收入,最典型的是与社会福利、养老金、儿童补助金等相关的收入。
● 题中表格内与transfer payment相关的只有pensions和welfare,因此加起来是264,C选项正确。
文字版备查   16 Planned government expenditure for a country in the fiscal year 2016 is estimated at $760 billion. The top five areas of expenditure are given in the table. What is the total amount, in billions of dollars, spent on transfer payments shown in the table? A 89 B 111 C 264 D 536


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 17.png
答案    A
难度    中等 
考察知识点   AD线移动的原因
解答要点   ● AD发生了右移,说明AD上升(且不是price level变化导致的)。
● A选项,budget surplus下降,说明政府花费增加或税收下降,这两者都可能导致AD增加,产生右移,A选项正确。
● B选项,trade surplus下降,说明net exports下降,AD减少会向左移,B选项错误。
● C选项,进口增加,结果和B选项一样,AD左移,C选项错误。
● D选项,利率上升,这会增加储蓄减少消费,或者降低人们贷款消费、企业贷款投资的热情,这都会导致AD下降左移,D选项错误。
文字版备查   17 The diagram shows a shift in the Aggregate Demand curve, from AD1 to AD2. What might have caused this shift? A a fall in the budget surplus B a fall in the trade surplus C a rise in imports D a rise in the interest rate


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 18.png
答案    D
难度    中等 
考察知识点   inflation rate与price level之间的关系
解答要点   ● 前三年,inflation rate一直为正,因此price level会一直上升(rate上升表示涨得越来越快,而rate下降则表示涨得越来越慢);而第四年inflation rate为负,price level将会下降。因此D选项正确。
文字版备查   18 The diagram shows the change in an economy’s rate of inflation over 4 years. What happened to the general price level over the 4 years? A constant constant decreased constant B increased constant decreased decreased C increased increased increased constant D increased increased increased decreased


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 19.png
答案    D
难度    中等 
考察知识点   AS线与inflation之间的关系
解答要点   ● 随着经济越来越接近生产上限,供给线斜率逐渐增大。同样程度的output增加会带来更大幅度的price level上涨,引发更严重通胀。
● 从图上的情况也能看出,D增加一定output后,带来的price level增长最多。因此D选项正确。
文字版备查   19 The diagram shows the short-run Aggregate Supply (SRAS) curve of an economy. At which equilibrium level of national income is a reduction in the rate of interest likely to cause the greatest inflationary increase for the economy?


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 20.png
答案    C
难度    容易 
考察知识点   unemployment类型的识别
解答要点   ● 人们逐渐使用低污染燃料,这是经济结构的变动,结合后文政府要组织retraining课程,这是想让人们多学技能,能看出政府在解决的是structural unemployment。
文字版备查   20 A large coal mine is forced to close because of falling demand for coal as consumers switch to less polluting fuels. The government organises retraining courses and recruitment events for the coal mine workers. Which type of unemployment is the government trying to reduce? A cyclical B seasonal C structural D technological


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 21.png
答案    A
难度    中等 
考察知识点   current account surplus的问题
解答要点   ● current account surplus会增加net exports,因此AD增加,带来demand-pull inflation。所以A正确。
文字版备查   21 A government succeeds in changing a current account deficit into a current account surplus. Why might this current account surplus increase the country’s inflation rate? A It raises Aggregate Demand. B It raises production costs. C It reduces the exchange rate. D It reduces the money supply.


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 22.png
答案    B
难度    困难 
考察知识点   budget deficit与budget surplus的识别
解答要点   ● A选项,题里的图像一开始是budget surplus,后来变成budget deficit,正好和选项相反,A错误。
● B选项,2009到2010,budget deficit确实增加了,B正确。
● C选项和D选项均无法仅凭图像上表述的信息而得到确定的判断,因此均错。
文字版备查   22 The diagram shows a government’s revenue and expenditure for three years. What can be concluded from the diagram? A A budget deficit was replaced by a budget surplus. B A budget deficit increased. C The economy moved from a point within its production possibility curve (PPC) to a point on it. D The yield from taxation continuously increased.


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 23.png
答案    D
难度    中等 
考察知识点   各类经济政策的有效性分析
解答要点   ● 通过图像可知该国出现了价格水平的降低(通缩)。
● A选项,增加企业生产,提升AS,这会导致价格水平进一步下降,A错误。
● B选项的控制工资上升,和C选项的鼓励增加储蓄,都会使得人们的收入下降,消费降低,AD左移导致价格水平进一步下降,因此B、C均错误。
● D选项属于扩张型货币政策,降低利率和增加货币供给都会增加人们可用来消费、企业可用来投资的钱,使得AD上升,价格水平增加,扭转下降趋势,因此D正确。
文字版备查   23 In recent years an economy has experienced changes in its price level as shown. Which government policy is most effective in reversing the trend shown in the price level? A encourage firms to expand production through tax incentives B introduce an incomes policy to directly control wage increases C promote household savings by advertising saving schemes D reduce interest rates and increase money supply


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 24.png
答案    B
难度    困难 
考察知识点   trade deficit的识别与比较
解答要点   ● A选项和C选项,根据图像可知,与欧洲的trade deficit大致上是先增加后减少(2008年是最大值),并非持续上升或下降,因此A和C均错误。
● B选项,与欧洲的trade deficit,2014年确实小于2005年,B正确。
● D选项,与欧洲的trade deficit要高于与俄罗斯的trade deficit,因此D错误。
文字版备查   24 The diagram shows Greece’s trade position with the EU and Russia between 2005 and 2014. What can be concluded about the period 2005 to 2014? A Greece’s annual trade deficit with the EU rose continuously. B Greece’s annual trade deficit with the EU was lower in 2014 than in 2005. C Greece’s annual trade deficit with the EU fell continuously. D Greece’s annual trade deficit with the EU was smaller than its deficit with Russia.


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 25.png
答案    B
难度    中等 
考察知识点   汇率对BOP的影响;PED对total value的影响
解答要点   ● 升值意味着进口价格下降、出口价格上升,想让current account deficit提升最多,需要使得出口额尽可能下降、进口额尽可能上升。因此出口品和进口品的PED均需要为elastic,因此B正确,C错误。
● A选项,本国失业人口多,可能意味着没有太多收入可用于买进口品,current account deficit不一定会大幅上升。因此A错误。
● D选项,本国低通胀,这会抵消一部分升值带来的出口品价格上升的影响,从而不一定增加大量出口。同时本国品价格低廉,本国人不一定会增加进口。current account deficit不一定会大幅上升。因此D错误。
文字版备查   25 There is a rise in the exchange rate of the US$. Which would cause the greatest increase in the US current account deficit? A a high level of domestic unemployment B a high price elasticity of demand for imports C a low price elasticity of demand for exports D a low rate of domestic inflation


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 26.png
答案    C
难度    容易 
考察知识点   terms of trade的计算
解答要点   ● New TOT= [(1+50%) * export prices]/[(1+25%) * import prices] = 1.2*100=120
文字版备查   26 Since 2000 a country’s export prices have increased on average by 50% and its import prices by 25%. What is the current figure for the country’s terms of trade (2000 = 100)? A 75 B 83 C 120 D 125


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 27.png
答案    C
难度    中等 
考察知识点   comparative advantage与贸易
解答要点   ● 交换率介于两国生产的机会成本之间时,贸易对双方均有益。因此需要计算出各个选项的机会成本区间后,和交换率1.5进行比较。
● A选项,1 unit of clothes = 2~3 units of food,1.5不在范围内,A错误。
● B选项,1 unit of clothes = 1 unit of food,1.5不在范围内,B错误。
● C选项,1 unit of clothes = 1~2 units of food,1.5在范围内,C正确。
● D选项,1 unit of clothes = 0.5~1 unit of food,1.5不在范围内,D错误。
文字版备查   27 Each diagram shows the production possibility curves (PPCs) of two economies, X and Y, which produce food and clothes. In which diagram would both economies benefit by specialising in the good in which they have comparative advantage and trading at an exchange rate of 1 unit of clothes to 1.5 units of food?


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 28.png
答案    D
难度    中等 
考察知识点   各类经济政策的作用
解答要点   ● supply-side policies中包括发展education and training,能够提升skills,增加skilled labour数量,因此C正确。
● 其他三种政策主要针对GDP,并没有直接针对劳动力素质,因此均排除。
文字版备查   28 Which government policy is most likely to focus on an increase in the quantity of skilled labour? A exchange rate policy B fiscal policy C monetary policy D supply-side policy


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 29.png
答案    C
难度    中等 
考察知识点   贸易保护的原因
解答要点   ● 减少进口最可能的原因是保护本国企业免受外来竞争威胁,因此C正确。
● A选项,小国家很难有产品上的绝对优势,A排除。
● B选项,同理,小国家很难影响到世界市场上的产品价格(需要高产量才能影响),B排除。
● D选项,用进口技术代替当地劳动力,技术进口也是进口,与题干矛盾。其次与C相比,该理由更勉强,因为这样做会使本国劳动力处境更糟,对本国不利。这不是政府做出决策的初衷。因此D排除。
文字版备查   29 A small trading country decides on a policy of import substitution by producing more goods and services itself rather than purchasing them from other countries. What is the most likely reason for this policy? A to follow the principle of absolute advantage B to influence world prices in international markets C to protect local industries from foreign competition D to substitute imported technology for local labour


题目    9708-2023-specimen-paper-1 30.png
答案    C
难度    中等 
考察知识点   汇率与利率的关系
解答要点   ● 当利率上升时,hot money等资金会增加对本国货币的需求,以便进入本国市场投资或投机,赚取更高收益。外汇市场上货币需求增加,会提升本国的汇率水平。因此C选项正确。
文字版备查   30 The monetary authorities of a country, whose currency is floating freely, raise the market rates of interest. Other things being equal, the exchange rate of the currency is most likely to A fall, as domestic fixed capital formation declines in response to higher rates of interest. B fall, because the quantity of money must be reduced to cause rates of interest to rise. C rise, as foreigners buy the domestic currency in order to hold assets with a higher yield. D rise, as exporters increase the volume of exports to hold foreign currency.