Edexcel IAL U1 revision - Section 5 (2018)

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Section 5 Market failure 市场失灵

  • 大纲要求


1. Sources of market failure 市场失灵的原因

a) Why market failure occurs: too much or too little of a good is produced and/or consumed compared to the socially optimal level of output. 为什么会发生市场失灵:相比于社会最优产量,市场生产或消费了过多或过少的产品。

b) Sources of market failure: 市场失灵的原因

• externalities 外部性
• the free-rider problem; non-provision of public goods 搭便车问题;不提供公共产品
• imperfect market information 不完全的市场信息
• moral hazard 道德风险
• speculation and market bubbles. 投机与市场泡沫

2. Positive and negative externalities 正外部性与负外部性

a) The distinction between private benefits, external benefits and social benefits. 私人收益、外部收益和社会收益之间的区别

b) The distinction between private costs, external costs and social costs. 私人成本、外部成本和社会成本之间的区别

c) The distinction between: 下列概念间的区别:

• external benefits of production 生产外部收益
• external benefits of consumption 消费外部收益
• external costs of production 生产外部成本
• external costs of consumption. 消费外部成本

d) The use of diagrams, using marginal analysis, to illustrate: 使用边际分析与图像说明:

• the external benefits from consumption 消费外部收益
• the external costs from production 生产外部成本
• the distinction between the market and social optimum positions; identification of the welfare loss or gain areas. 市场产量位置与社会最优产量位置之间的区别;找出福利损失与福利获得的面积

e) The impact of externalities in various contexts: 外部性对下列情形的影响:

• transport 交通
• health 健康
• education 教育
• environment 环境
• financial. 金融

3. Non-provision of public goods 不提供公共产品

a) The distinction between public and private goods: 公共产品与私有产品之间的区别

• private goods: rival and excludable 私有产品:竞争性与排他性
• public goods: non-rival and non-excludable. 公共产品:非竞争性与非排他性

b) Why public goods may not be provided by the private sector making reference to the free-rider problem. 为什么私有部门可能因为搭便车问题而不提供公共产品

4. Imperfect market information 不完全的市场信息

a) The distinction between symmetric and asymmetric information. 对称信息与不对称信息之间的区别

b) The significance of information gaps. 信息缺口的重要性

c) How imperfect market information may lead to a misallocation of resources in various contexts: 不完全的市场信息如何导致以下情形中的资源分配不均

• healthcare 医疗
• education 教育
• pensions 养老金
• insurance. 保险

5. Moral hazard 道德风险

a) How moral hazard can occur. 道德风险是如何发生的

b) The impact of moral hazard on consumers, producers, workers and governments in: 道德风险在以下情形中对消费者、生产者、工人和政府的影响:

• insurance 保险
• banking. 银行

6. Speculation and market bubbles 投机与市场泡沫

a) How market bubbles may arise. 市场泡沫是如何产生的

b) The impact of market bubbles on consumers, producers, workers and governments in various contexts: 市场泡沫在以下情形中对消费者、生产者、工人和政府的影响:

• housing 房地产
• stocks and shares. 股票