Edexcel IAL U4 revision - Section 6 (2018)
Section 6 Growth and development in developing, emerging and developed economies 发展中经济体、新兴经济体与发达经济体的增长和发展
- 大纲要求
1. Measures of economic development 经济发展措施
a) The three components of the Human Development Index (HDI): education, health, income; how they are measured. 人类发展指数(HDI)的三个组成部分:教育、健康、收入;它们是如何测量的
b) Advantages and limitations of the HDI in comparing living standards between countries and over time. HDI在比较不同国家和不同时间的生活水平方面的优势和局限性
c) Other measures of development: 其他发展措施:
• the percentage of adult male labour in agriculture 农业生产中成年男性劳动力的百分比
• access to clean water 是否能获得清洁水资源
• energy consumption per capita 人均能源消耗
• access to internet per thousand of population 每千人中能接入互联网的人数
• access to mobile phones per thousand of population 每千人中拥有手机的人数
• access to doctors per thousand of population. 每千人中能看医生的人数
2. Constraints on growth and development 增长和发展的制约因素
a) The impact of economic factors in different countries: 不同国家间经济因素的影响:
• volatility of commodity prices 大宗商品的价格波动
• primary product dependency (the Prebisch-Singer hypothesis) 初级产品依赖(普雷维什-辛格假设)
• savings gap (the Harrod-Domar model) 储蓄缺口(哈罗德-多马模型)
• foreign currency gap 外汇缺口
• capital flight 资本外逃
• demographic factors (size and age distribution of population; migration) 人口因素(人口规模和年龄分布;移民)
• debt (household and overseas) 债务(家庭和海外)
• access to credit and banking 能够获得信贷与银行服务
• infrastructure 基础设施
• education and skills. 教育与技能
b) The impact of non-economic factors in different countries: 不同国家间非经济因素的影响:
• corruption 腐败
• poor governance 治理不善
• civil wars 内战
• migration 移民
• terrorism. 恐怖主义
3. Measures to promote growth and development 提升增长和发展的措施
a) The impact of market-orientated strategies: 市场导向性政策的影响:
• trade liberalisation 贸易自由化
• promotion of FDI 促进外国直接投资
• removal of government subsidies 取消政府补贴
• privatisation 私有化
• floating exchange rate systems 浮动汇率制度
• microfinance schemes. 小额信贷计划
b) The impact of interventionist strategies: 干预性政策的影响:
• development of human capital 人力资本的开发
• protectionism 保护主义
• managed exchange rates 管制汇率
• infrastructure development 基础设施发展
• promoting joint ventures with TNCs 促进与跨国公司组建合资企业
• buffer stock schemes. 缓冲库存
c) The impact of other strategies: 其他策略的影响:
• industrialisation (the Lewis structural dual-sector model) 工业化(刘易斯结构双部门模型)
• development of tourism 旅游业的发展
• development of primary industries第一产业的发展
• debt relief 债务减免
• aid. 援助
d) The role of international institutions: 国际机构的作用:
• the World Bank 世界银行
• the International Monetary Fund (IMF) 国际货币基金组织(IMF)
• non-government organisations (NGOs). 非政府组织(NGO)